Friday, April 16, 2010

After the BA.....

So something that's been stressing me out lately (aside from the over protective and infuriating person called my mother) has been what I'm going to be doing after I graduate from college. By May of 2011 I should have received my BA in General Business with a concentration in International Business....sounds fancy huh....I have no idea what to do with it. I suppose this is where the dilemma comes in.

There are a few things that I can do:
Option 1) Start working.
This is probably the first option that most people want to accomplish after they get their BA and part of me wants to run with that crowd. I suppose there are more personal reasons for this (like escaping the clutches of my mother) but I also have to think about the experience I'd be gaining if I start working. The problem with this option is that I'm not exactly sure what I want to be working in once I graduate. I'm more than aware that I won't find the perfect job when I finish school but I, at least, want to work somewhere that I at least can handle and won't hate.

Option 2) Get my masters.
This is probably the answer that I've contemplated the most...from the realistic stand point. Economically a masters will help find a job that will pay more and offer me experience in a specific area. Again what that area will be I'm not sure yet. I've thought of Foreign Policy or International Business but I'm not sure what kind of jobs are in these particular fields. I suppose this comes from wanting to work for the CIA and the FBI. I'm rather fond of Law and thought that these areas would benefit me the most.

Option 3) Go to recording school.
Probably the more sponateous and risky option that I have right now...and I am seriously considering it. Why? I think in my last post I stressed that I liked music...wait did I say like...I ment to say LOVE music. Yes I'm not the next Lauryn Hill or whatever but it's something that I know I can do the rest of my life and absolutely love it. I already have my BA as a back up plan and I can always go for my masters later but I'm not sure what the freak to do.

So perhaps you've noticed that I don't necessarily have a problem with having a purpose in life it's more like having to choose between all the things I would like to do with my life. So right now...I probably won't think much about it until my Fall semester when I have to worry about taking the GMAT and choosing a school if it comes down to going to a Masters program or setting up appointments at recording schools maybe even finding a job. Who knows what'll happen I just hope I get a sign somewhere that help me make this decision.

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