Sunday, May 8, 2011

The end of another semester...

Well here I am at the end of another semester. This first half of the year has really come to a surprise for me to be quite honest and most of it is just a reflection of what has been going on in my head. I think I'm more aware now that I'm so unhappy with my life right now because of me not because of other people in my life. I know the last time I wrote on here was in March but honestly there are so many venues for social media that I don't know which one to use. But anyway I like blogspot because I can fully right down what I'm feeling and what is on my mind. Although I have to admit that I use twitter a whole lot more than blogspot... .fb too but I'm finding to be more trouble that it's worth these days.

This semester at school has not been the best to be quite frank and mostly because I can't seem to fucking focus on what I need to do to be finished with my fucking education. So once again I changed my major from Accounting to Finance because it'll honestly let me finish quicker. After that I want to find a job away from El Paso.... I don't hate it here but something about this place makes you so complacent with life and I'm starting to feel that way. Maybe it's my lack of ambition but even without that I want a better quality of life and with staying here I know that won't happen. I want to meet new people, speak a different language, travel, make my own decisions, and just LIVE. I haven't been able to do that here because my parents have so much control and I don't have the means to leave with school.

But anyways I have to get back to writing a paper I need to turn in and study for my finals....woo hoo :/

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